Far Connection

From Misc Data Digs

Hidden ASCII[edit | edit source]

Hidden inside the website's front page is this ASCII at Line 4.

         _    _ 
      l;;;;;r'´ ̄ ̄~  ̄ ̄ヽ;;;;;! 
       |;;;;;;|         |;;;;;| 
       {;;;;r' ,rェz 、 ,rzェ 、',;;;} 
      rゝl!. r'Oァ ! l r'Oァ  ljヽ 
      l(),|    ノ ヽ     !ノ,! 
        ゝ_l    ゝ- '   ,jノ 
        l、.   ___   /!     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 
         lヽ  ー‐'  ,/ !    < >>そこの君、パンツ見えてるよ。
          /!、`ー─‐'" /ヽ、    \_____________ 
      _, -r'´ ! \   /  l `、- 、_ 
, -‐''"´ /   !   ><     !   ヽ   ` ー- 
     /    l /、 rヽ  !    ヽ 
    >    l' / ヽ ヽl     < 
     ヽ       V    V        / 
     ヽ     |    |      / 

The text, shocker of shockers, says "You there, I'm looking at your panties."