The New York Times

From Misc Data Digs

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Hidden Job Posting[edit | edit source]

On the front page, right-clicking to view the page's source will allow one to see this message at Line 5.

         0000000                         000        0000000
       111111111      11111111100          000      111111111
       00000        111111111111111111      00000      000000
       000        1111111111111111111111111100000         000
       000        1111       1111111111111111100          000
       000         11       0     1111111100              000
       000          1      00             1               000
       000               00      00       1               000
       000             000    00000       1               000
    00000            0000  00000000       1                00000
  11111            000 00    000000      000                 11111
    00000          0000      000000     00000              00000
       000        10000      000000      000              0000
       000        00000      000000       1               000
       000        000000     10000        1     0         000
       000        1000000 00              1    00         000
       000         1111111                1 0000          000
       000          1111111100           000000           000
       0000          111111111111111110000000            0000
       111111111        111111111111100000          111111111
         0000000              00000000              0000000 All the code that's fit to printf()
      We're hiring:

humans.txt[edit | edit source]

This file contains the following creed: is more than just Pulitzer-winning journalism and global influence. It's home to some of the best engineers, designers, developers, architects, coders, hackers and tinkerers in the world. For over 160 years, The New York Times has had the same mission: "Enhance society by creating, collecting and distributing high quality news, information and entertainment." Want to help out? Visit