Pear Deck

From Misc Data Digs

Developer Comments[edit | edit source]

authedJoin[edit | edit source]

Line Comments Notes
// Misha
Referring to the Senior Developer, Misha Bergal.
// Uncomment for debugging
//, args);
logLines = logLines.slice(-100); // keep logLines to a sane length
var val = eval(name); //muahaha
// slice logLines to make sure the email url doesn't error out
// and the emailsends. I highly recommend using the 
// emailFailedDependencyReport function in errorHandling.js instead
//metaData: { /* some metaData to attach to every report */ },
Comments relating to Bugsnag.
199 - 202
// grouping hash has to be set directly on report, but can only be done so
// via a beforeSendCallback...our callsites of bigsnagClient.notify could do this
// but would also have to take care of sending the logs in instead
// the callsites just pass groupingHash in the metaData and we attach it properly here
// Display grouping hash as error class in 
// Bugsnag interface
// Grab log lines to send them along in metadata since
// bugsnag would only send last 20-40 lines if sent via breadcrumbs
// add log lines to metadata of report being sent to bugsnag
//- To enable debug
//- })(window,document,'script','//','ga');
//- window.ga_debug = {trace: true};
// ga('send', 'pageview'); We explicitly don't want to track this
// because we want to control the first pageview for people joining a demo
// so, after they enter a join code and connect to a session, we'll send a 
// pageview to GA depending on the type of session they joined.
// If we did track this here it would muddy up everything and about 90% of
// users first landing page would be to /join even if they were really joining a demo.
// modified from code supplied by Intercom to avoid loading actual script tag
// until we really know we want to load it
// This part just creates a lightweight window.Intercom function that can be called without error
// It also queues up events that will be sent if the script is ever actually loaded.