Phone Simulator DX

From Misc Data Digs

Phone Simulator DX is a flash quasi-game developed in the Scratch Editor by YouTuber "Just A Guy". The game is a follow up to the previously unreleased "Phone Simulator". This sequel includes more "apps", a better interface and a wider variety of features. THIS ARTICLE IS BASED ON THE BETATEST 3.0 RELEASE OF THE GAME.

Unused Code[edit | edit source]

Due to the inclusion of a Language switching feature, a few lines of code became unused. This is because the backdrops in which the code corresponded to never show, and therefore no code is executed.

If Power Off and Set Background On Startup[edit | edit source]

PSDX UnusedSet-Background-On-Startup.png

The top line of code causes the screen turn off if the variable "Power_Status" has the value "OFF". It will set the costume to "OFF" (Just a black screen) and set the "screen" variable to "OFF".

The bottom line of code causes the phone's background to switch to a picture of a river. This is achieved by switching the costume to "River_Back" and setting the "Screen" variable to "Home".

Neither of these lines of code are executed because they require they require the backdrop to be set to "Game Screen", a backdrop which isn't ever shown in the BETATEST 3.0 version of the game, or at least, not under that name.

Go Back To Manual Screen[edit | edit source]

PSDX UnusedGo-back-to-Manual-Screen.png

These are several lines of code that go unused for the same reason as the other one; they require for the backdrop to be set to one that ins't used. If they were to be executed, they would wait for the player to press the spacebar, before switching the backdrop to the "Manual_Screen" of the set language.

(Source: Vrpndt (Developer))

Unused Graphics[edit | edit source]

There are A LOT of unused graphics in this game, ranging from leftovers from previous version to different types of used graphics.

Icons[edit | edit source]

Some early/Unused versions of app icons and other icons too.

Clock[edit | edit source]

Unused Used
PSDX Unused-Clock.png PSDX Clock.png

This was a badly drawn clock that was only ever used as a placeholder, like most of the others were. Eventually, it was replaced the one still used today.

Music[edit | edit source]

Unused Used
PSDX Unused-Music.png PSDX Music.png

This is also a terribly drawn set of headphones, that only served as a quick placeholder, before being replaced by the currently used Music App icon.

Photo Gallery[edit | edit source]

Unused Used
PSDX Unused-Photos.png PSDX Gallery.png

This icon was originally going to be used as the Photo Gallery icon. It wasn't replaced until late in development of the BETATEST 1.0 version of the game.

Snake[edit | edit source]

Unused Used
PSDX Unused-Snake.png PSDX Snake.png

The unused snake icon was actually created after the used one. It was considered to make the snake on the icon look more like the one in-game. Eventually, the idea was dropped though, due to the original icon looking better.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Unused Used
PSDX Unused-Videos.png PSDX Videos.png

Again, the crudely drawn icon is just unused and a leftover placeholder that was never intended to be used.

Notes[edit | edit source]

Used Unused (N) Unused (Scribbles)
PSDX Notes Straight.png PSDX UnusedNotes-N.png PSDX UnusedNotes-Scribble.png

Both of the unused icons were candidates to be used. But in the end, the icons with the lines look better.

Stop Button[edit | edit source]

Unused Used
PSDX Unused-Stop.png PSDX Stop Button.png

Again, a placeholder. What's even worse is that this one didn't fit the layout at it's original size, so it was downsized.

Instruction Manual[edit | edit source]

Used Used (JP) Unused
PSDX Manual.png PSDX ManualJP.png PSDX Unused-Manual.png

The unused design for the manual was used up until late development for the BETATEST 2.0 version. It was then replaced for the currently used icon, which requires less reading.

Menu Buttons[edit | edit source]

Used (English) Unused Unused (BETATEST 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 versions)
PSDX FirstGame.png PSDX UnusedMulti-firstgame.png PSDX OldMenuFirstGame.png
PSDX Game-Info.png PSDX UnusedMulti-Game-Info.png PSDX OldMenuGame-Info.png
PSDX Start-Game.png PSDX UnusedMulti-Next.png PSDX OldMenuNext.png

The menu buttons from the first three Beta test releases (Including BETATEST v1.1) are still present in the BETATEST 3.0 version. As well as these, there's also some unused variants of these buttons only currently present in the BETATEST 3.0 version

Phone Screens[edit | edit source]

There are many unused screens in the game, that are either unused because the idea was scrapped, or unused because there's an error with the text on it.

Reminders and Calendar[edit | edit source]

PDSX UnusedReminders.png

There's an unused graphic for a "Reminders and Calendar" app just rotting in the game, unused. It's unknown how this would've worked, but would've been a cool feature anyway.

Unused Clock Screen[edit | edit source]

Unused Used
PSDX UnusedClock-JP.png PSDX Clock-JP.png

The unused clock screen is just like the others; the layout is the same for each translation. However, this was changed to match the way that Japanese dates are actually written (YY年MM月DD日), leaving the original unused.

Unused Notes Screen[edit | edit source]

Unused Used
PSDX UnusedNotes-JP.png PSDX Notes-JP.png

This unused screen contains an odd translation. The title of this screen reads "注意" (Chūi), which directly translates to "Note". However, the rest of the app refers to "Notes" as "Memos", so it didn't really sound right. As a result of this, the title of the screen was changed to "メモアプリ" (Memoapuri) which directly translates to "Memo App".

Manual Pages[edit | edit source]

In the BETATEST 3.0 version of the game, the manual was given a HUGE design makeover, and the old manual pages are leftover in the game, now unused. As well as that, there's an untranslated line in one of the Spanish pages and the removed welcome message from the first three BETATEST versions.

Unused Spanish Clock Manual Screen[edit | edit source]

Unused Used
PSDX UnusedManual ClockES.png PSDX Manual ClockES.png

The unused version of this page contains one line that wasn't translated. Where it says "The date, reading August 31st 2019" it should say "La fecha, leyendo 31 de agosto de 2019". This was fixed before the game's BETATEST 3.0 version was released.

Unused Welcome Message[edit | edit source]

PSDX UnusedWelcome-Message.png

This welcome message was used in the BETATEST version 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0, but it was removed in the BETATEST 3.0 version, and now goes unused.

Old / Unused Manual Pages[edit | edit source]

Old / Unused Used
PSDX UnusedManual ClockOLD.png PSDX Manual ClockEN.png
PSDX UnusedManual MusicOLD.png PSDX Manual MusicEN.png
PSDX UnusedManual PhotosOLD.png PSDX Manual GalleryEN.png
PSDX UnusedManual SnakeOLD.png PSDX Manual SnakeEN.png
PSDX UnusedManual VideosOLD.png PSDX Manual VideosEN.png
PSDX UnusedManual NotesOLD.png PSDX Manual NotesEN.png

The manual was given a MASSIVE design overhaul, and the old Manual pages are left in the game with the suffix "OLD" added to all of them.

(Source: Vrpndt(Developer))

Unused Sprites[edit | edit source]

This game has, as you already guessed, a bunch of scrapped ideas, and some were even about to be implemented when they were cut. It's because of this that there are some unused sprites.

APP_TEMPLATE[edit | edit source]

PSDX UnusedAppp-Template.png

As the name suggests, this was just used as a template when adding new apps.

Sprite 37 (Snake Body)[edit | edit source]

PSDX Unused-Body.png

This is just a Sprite with only one costume - the body graphic used for the snake in the Snake game. It's thought that this was going to be used in the Snake game, but the code was changed and this Sprite's code was cleared, therefore rendering it unused.

Sprite 46 (Snake Game Volume)[edit | edit source]

PSDX Snake-Volume-High.png

PSDX Snake-Volume-Mute.png

This unused Sprite suggests that the Snake game was originally going to have it's own dedicated volume controls, but eventually, this was scrapped in favour of using the same volume controls for all apps.

Sprite 27[edit | edit source]

PSDX Unused-Set-As-Background.png

PSDX Unused-Add-Contact.png

PSDX Unused-Add-To-Music.png

This Sprite has three sprites and suggests many cut features, including features for: Adding custom music, Adding a contact and Setting custom images as the background. There's a very good reason why these are unused though - It's impossible to include two of the three features. There's no way to import images or audio without opening the scratch editor, so it only makes sense that it was cut. As for the "Add contact" costume, that was most likely cut because of impracticality.

(Source: Vrpndt(Developer))

Unused Audio[edit | edit source]

Pop[edit | edit source]

File:PSDX Unusedpop.wav

There's only one piece of unused audio in the entire game, and it's the default "pop" sound that every Scratch Sprite automatically has added to it.

(Source: Vrpndt(Developer))

Oddities[edit | edit source]

Two identical Sprites for no reason[edit | edit source]

PSDX Oddity2-Identical-Video-Screens.png

When playing videos two, three and four (top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right) will switch the phone's costume to "VideoPlaying2" however, playing video one (top-left) will switch the phone's costume to "VideoPlaying1". Both costumes are identical, and have the exact same function, but they still given separate names - even when there's no need for two separate costumes in the first place.

(Source: Vrpndt(Developer))