
From Misc Data Digs

You've probably already read about us on Reddit, what with it aggregating much of the Internet's info.

Hidden ASCII Art[edit | edit source]

When going to any part of the site, this message will be loaded into the console:

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 ' $      ,db,      ,db,      $ '
  '$      ²$$²      ²$$²      $'    Using Reddit at work? Work for Reddit.
  '$                          $'
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    'b,     '²«»«»«»²'     ,d'
     '²?bn,,          ,,nd?²'
       ,7$ ''²²²²²²²²'' $7,
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      '²«?$.          .$?»²'
         'b            d'
       ,²²'?,.      .,?'²²,

robots.txt[edit | edit source]

Contained in this file are a couple of odd entries:

User-Agent: bender
Disallow: /my_shiny_metal_ass

User-Agent: Gort
Disallow: /earth