From Misc Data Digs

ASCII Art[edit | edit source]

Accessing the homepage while a browser's console is open reveals some ASCII art of the CNN logo.

  .d8888b.  888b    888 888b    888
 d88P  Y88b 8888b   888 8888b   888
 888    888 88888b  888 88888b  888    We are trying to make faster.
 888        888Y88b 888 888Y88b 888    Think you can help?
 888        888 Y88b888 888 Y88b888
 888    888 888  Y88888 888  Y88888    Send your ideas to: bounty AT cnnlabs DOT com
 Y88b  d88P 888   Y8888 888   Y8888
  "Y8888P"  888    Y888 888    Y888

Old Website Articles[edit | edit source]

Much of the old content from 1995-2001 is still present on the site, but is normally not seen without use of a search engine. However, the pages have fallen to decay and several links are broken. Examples include...