
From Misc Data Digs

FakeUpdate.net is (as the name implies) a fake update website, made so that people can prank their friends.

ASCII Art[edit | edit source]

In the HTML files for /win8/, /win7/, /windows98i/, /win10/, /win10u/, and /wnc/ is a comment from the website's owner along with some ASCII art. The comment was made to combat the theft of the site's code.



   ///// COPY CAT AWARDS 2017 \\\\\
   These people literally copy pasted this site and are claiming they made it:
   #1. www.fakewindowsupdate.com by diskordier
   #2  www.fakeupdate.co.uk by HARVEY BOLTON who is an Absolute Legend apparently (totally legit)
		   _    _____         _
		   \`,""   ,'7"r-..__/ \
		  ,'\ `, ,',','    _/   \
		 /   \  7 / /     (   \ |
		J     \/ j  L______\  / |
		L   __JF"""/""\"\_,    /
		L,-"| O|  f O |  L_  _/
		F   \_ /  \__/   `-  j|
			.-'    `"""    ,' |          _..====.._
			\__/         r"_  A        ,' _..---.._`,
			 `-.______,,-L// / \  ___,' ,'_..:::.. `,`,
					  j   / / / 7"    `-<""=:'  '':. \ \
					 /   <,' /  F  . i , \   `,    :T W I
					 |    \,'  /    >X<  |     \   :| | L
					 |     `._/    ' ! ` |      I  :| |  G
					  \           \     /       |  :H T  |
					 __>-.__   __,-\   |        |  S P   |
					/     /|   | \  \  \_       | 'A R   |
				   /   __/ |   |  L  L   \      K./ /    L
				  /   |    |   4  I  I    |    E./ /   ,'
				 J    \    I    L F  I    |    // / _,'
		_________|     |   F    |J   F    |   //_/-'
		\   __   |    /   J     |/  J     |  /="
		\\  \_\  \__,' \  F     |   F     |
		\\\_____________\/      F__/      F
		 \\|  HTML for  |_____/  (______/
		   _    _____         _
		   \`,""   ,'7"r-..__/ \
		  ,'\ `, ,',','    _/   \
		 /   \  7 / /     (   \ |
		J     \/ j  L______\  / |
		L   __JF"""/""\"\_,    /
		L,-"| O|  f O |  L_  _/
		F   \_ /  \__/   `-  j|
			.-'    `"""    ,' |          _..====.._
			\__/         r"_  A        ,' _..---.._`,
			 `-.______,,-L// / \  ___,' ,'_..:::.. `,`,
					  j   / / / 7"    `-<""=:'  '':. \ \
					 /   <,' /  F  . i , \   `,    :T W I
					 |    \,'  /    >X<  |     \   :| | L
					 |     `._/    ' ! ` |      I  :| |  G
					  \           \     /       |  :H T  |
					 __>-.__   __,-\   |        |  S P   |
					/     /|   | \  \  \_       | 'A R   |
				   /   __/ |   |  L  L   \      K./ /    L
				  /   |    |   4  I  I    |    E./ /   ,'
				 J    \    I    L F  I    |    // / _,'
		_________|     |   F    |J   F    |   //_/-'
		\   __   |    /   J     |/  J     |  /="
		\\  \_\  \__,' \  F     |   F     |
		\\\_____________\/      F__/      F
		 \\|  HTML for  |_____/  (______/
		   _    _____         _
		   \`,""   ,'7"r-..__/ \
		  ,'\ `, ,',','    _/   \
		 /   \  7 / /     (   \ |
		J     \/ j  L______\  / |
		L   __JF"""/""\"\_,    /
		L,-"| O|  f O |  L_  _/
		F   \_ /  \__/   `-  j|
			.-'    `"""    ,' |          _..====.._
			\__/         r"_  A        ,' _..---.._`,
			 `-.______,,-L// / \  ___,' ,'_..:::.. `,`,
					  j   / / / 7"    `-<""=:'  '':. \ \
					 /   <,' /  F  . i , \   `,    :T W I
					 |    \,'  /    >X<  |     \   :| | L
					 |     `._/    ' ! ` |      I  :| |  G
					  \           \     /       |  :H T  |
					 __>-.__   __,-\   |        |  S P   |
					/     /|   | \  \  \_       | 'A R   |
				   /   __/ |   |  L  L   \      K./ /    L
				  /   |    |   4  I  I    |    E./ /   ,'
				 J    \    I    L F  I    |    // / _,'
		_________|     |   F    |J   F    |   //_/-'
		\   __   |    /   J     |/  J     |  /="
		\\  \_\  \__,' \  F     |   F     |
		\\\_____________\/      F__/      F
		 \\|  HTML for  |_____/  (______/

  The original, actually working and constantly updated version will always be at fakeupdate.net
  If you have any suggestions or complaints, contact me: 
  The original, actually working and constantly updated version will always be at fakeupdate.net
  If you have any suggestions or complaints, contact me: 

Another variant of the comment is in /xp/, /vista/, /apple/, and /steam/. The only difference between the two versions appears to just be the year.


   ///// COPY CAT AWARDS 2016 \\\\\
   These people literally copy pasted this site and are claiming they made it:
   #1. www.fakewindowsupdate.com by diskordier
   #2  www.fakeupdate.co.uk by HARVEY BOLTON who is an Absolute Legend apparently (totally legit)
		   _    _____         _
		   \`,""   ,'7"r-..__/ \
		  ,'\ `, ,',','    _/   \
		 /   \  7 / /     (   \ |
		J     \/ j  L______\  / |
		L   __JF"""/""\"\_,    /
		L,-"| O|  f O |  L_  _/
		F   \_ /  \__/   `-  j|
			.-'    `"""    ,' |          _..====.._
			\__/         r"_  A        ,' _..---.._`,
			 `-.______,,-L// / \  ___,' ,'_..:::.. `,`,
					  j   / / / 7"    `-<""=:'  '':. \ \
					 /   <,' /  F  . i , \   `,    :T W I
					 |    \,'  /    >X<  |     \   :| | L
					 |     `._/    ' ! ` |      I  :| |  G
					  \           \     /       |  :H T  |
					 __>-.__   __,-\   |        |  S P   |
					/     /|   | \  \  \_       | 'A R   |
				   /   __/ |   |  L  L   \      K./ /    L
				  /   |    |   4  I  I    |    E./ /   ,'
				 J    \    I    L F  I    |    // / _,'
		_________|     |   F    |J   F    |   //_/-'
		\   __   |    /   J     |/  J     |  /="
		\\  \_\  \__,' \  F     |   F     |
		\\\_____________\/      F__/      F
		 \\|  HTML for  |_____/  (______/

  The original, actually working and constantly updated version will always be at fakeupdate.net
  If you have any suggestions or complaints, contact me: 

In the main home page, there is yet another variant of the comment with the only difference being the year.


   ///// COPY CAT AWARDS 2018 \\\\\ 
   These people literally copy pasted this site and are claiming they made it:
   #1. www.fakewindowsupdate.com by diskordier
   #2  www.fakeupdate.co.uk by HARVEY "Missing Chromosome" BOLTON who is an Absolute Legend apparently (totally legit)
		   _    _____         _
		   \`,""   ,'7"r-..__/ \
		  ,'\ `, ,',','    _/   \
		 /   \  7 / /     (   \ |
		J     \/ j  L______\  / |
		L   __JF"""/""\"\_,    /
		L,-"| O|  f O |  L_  _/
		F   \_ /  \__/   `-  j|
			.-'    `"""    ,' |          _..====.._
			\__/         r"_  A        ,' _..---.._`,
			 `-.______,,-L// / \  ___,' ,'_..:::.. `,`,
					  j   / / / 7"    `-<""=:'  '':. \ \
					 /   <,' /  F  . i , \   `,    :T W I
					 |    \,'  /    >X<  |     \   :| | L
					 |     `._/    ' ! ` |      I  :| |  G
					  \           \     /       |  :H T  |
					 __>-.__   __,-\   |        |  S P   |
					/     /|   | \  \  \_       | 'A R   |
				   /   __/ |   |  L  L   \      K./ /    L
				  /   |    |   4  I  I    |    E./ /   ,'
				 J    \    I    L F  I    |    // / _,'
		_________|     |   F    |J   F    |   //_/-'
		\   __   |    /   J     |/  J     |  /="
		\\  \_\  \__,' \  F     |   F     |
		\\\_____________\/      F__/      F
		 \\|  HTML for  |_____/  (______/

  The original, actually working and constantly updated version will always be at fakeupdate.net
  If you have any suggestions or complaints, contact me: 