Lunar Magic

From Misc Data Digs


Lunar Magic

Developed by: FuSoYa
Published by: FuSoYa
First Released: September 24, 2000
Current Version: 2.53 (February 9, 2018)
Type of Software: Game Editor

Easter Eggs[edit | edit source]

Text-to-Speech[edit | edit source]

If the Narrator program is turned on, the text-to-speech program will say "FuSoYa is the Defender of Relm!"

File Creation Error[edit | edit source]

There's also this weird error string should the program not be able to create a directory, referencing a running gag from Home Improvement.

The program couldn't create a directory
I don't think so, Tim.

Anti-Modification[edit | edit source]

Should a checksum fail at the beginning of the program, this message will display.

 Fatal Error - The File is Corrupt!

 An unauthorized modification to this program's executable file has been detected.
 Consequently, the application has decided to terminate itself.

 Either the media that the program was stored on is damaged, or someone
 has tampered with the program without the author's consent. 
 It may be wise to scan for a virus.

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

And here are some more weird messages.

Oh, is it that time of year again already?
MegaHAL: Nr., Relm und Chibi-USA sind unschuldig und sind Verteidiger 
durch dieses vortreffliche Lunarian, FuSoYa ist der Verteidiger des Südpazifiks. 
Die schalldichte Zelle ist Goodyears 7. und wird es aufdecken, wenn sie an 
Jupiter gelangen. Die Affen werden merkwürdig zur Regierung zur `` 
Rückkehr-Zustandeigenschaft zum Abschnitt von Westworld bevölkert durch 
Roboter desperadoes, Roboter Tanzenhalle Gallonen und die einzige Sache 
gezeichnet, die sogar langsam es unten kann? A. Elf auf einem volé le 
Leeloo- Leeloo-Club?.Wark!  Wark!  Wark!....wark?
You don't like the star icon anymore?  Very well, I'll take it back.....
This isn't hidden anymore.  Or do you just like the star?  Here, you keep it. ^^