From Misc Data Digs
Console Easter Egg[edit | edit source]
This message is loaded into the browser's web console from raven.js.
_______ _______ _______ _________ _______ ( ____ \( ____ )|\ /|( ____ )\__ __/( ___ ) | ( \/| ( )|( \ / )| ( )| ) ( | ( ) | | | | (____)| \ (_) / | (____)| | | | | | | | | | __) \ / | _____) | | | | | | \ /\ | | | (\ ( ) ( | ( | | | | | | ) ( ') | (____/\| ) \ \__ | | | ) | | | (___) | ( / ) (_______/|/ \__/ \_/ |/ )_( (_______) \(__)| _ ____________________________________ _______ _______ | \ /\\__ __/\__ __/\__ __/\__ __/( ____ \( ____ \ | \ / / ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( | ( \/| ( \/ | (_/ / | | | | | | | | | (__ | (_____ | _ ( | | | | | | | | | __) (_____ ) | ( \ \ | | | | | | | | | ( ) | | / \ \___) (___ | | | | ___) (___| (____/\/\____) | |_/ \/\_______/ )_( )_( \_______/(_______/\_______) The CryptoKitties Catifesto What we believe in, what we stand for, and why we’re building CryptoKitties. The future is exciting. And we believe that blockchain is the future—but blockchain is about as approachable as a bunch of ones and zeroes. We want a future for everyone, not one exclusive to Bitcoin miners, VCs, ICOs, and other equally fun acronyms.