From Misc Data Digs
humans.txt[edit | edit source]
This file contains this text:
Google is built by a large team of engineers, designers, researchers, robots, and others in many different sites across the globe. It is updated continuously, and built with more tools and technologies than we can shake a stick at. If you'd like to help us out, see
killer-robots.txt[edit | edit source]
As a tongue-in-check reference to robots.txt, a file named killer-robots.txt was added to Google with these contents.
User-Agent: T-1000 User-Agent: T-800 Disallow: /+LarryPage Disallow: /+SergeyBrin
Warning Message[edit | edit source]
As is becoming common, opening up the console will show this message:
Warning! Do NOT copy and paste anything into this console. If someone tells you to, they might be trying to steal your account info.
Text Adventure[edit | edit source]
Searching "text adventure" with Google and opening up the web console will allow one to play a game. Simply enter yes in the console to play it.