Undertale: Bits and Pieces
From Misc Data Digs
As of writing, Undertale: Bits and Pieces is on version 4.2.4. Page might not reflect the latest version of the game.
Anti-piracy Routine[edit | edit source]
Atipically for a fanmade mod of a DRM-free game, Bits and Pieces contains its own set of anti-piracy measures.
Android devices[edit | edit source]
Code snippet from gml_Script_SCR_GAMESTART.gml:
if (os_type == os_android) game_end()
There is a popular method of playing Game Maker Studio games on devices not meant for it, by simply taking the .apk of an existing GMS game that was targeted for Android, and replacing all assets with the ones from your desired game.
As a way to target people playing the mod using this method (this is a particularly popular way of pirating the base game, apparently), the mod will close automatically as soon as it detects to be running on Android.
Steam emulator check[edit | edit source]
All of the following dialogue can be found on gml_Object_obj_endflowey_regret_Step_0.gml
As a basic way of checking for a Steam emulator (potentially to be bundled with a pirated copy of the game), the mod checks for the presence of any file matching the following filenames inside of the game's directory:
steam_emu.ini steamclient.dll codex.dll
If the mod detects a file matching any of these names, it starts Flowey's monologue from the True Pacifist ending — altough with new dialogue. The dialogue is as follows:
You're probably wondering why you're here. 'Did I do something wrong?' 'Did I corrupt my SAVE file?' No, I just need to talk to you.
You know why you're here. I've already given you my little speech. However, it seems as though you forgot what I said. So, here is is again.
You know, Toby Fox put a lot of effort into this game. Countless hours of work. To share his ideas with the world. There's just one problem. A certain group of people. People like you... 'Pirates.' I know you may not have the means to purchase this game at the moment. And if that's the case, feel free to come back when you do own a legitimate copy. If you do have the means, then... Please, go support Toby Fox and his amazing work. Well, that's it for now. I hope you consider what I said.
Don't you have anything better to do?
The player is then booted to the "lullaby dog" error screen of the base game (with updated graphics!), and the Steam page for UNDERTALE is opened in your default web browser.
"Doxxing"[edit | edit source]
This is part of the above described anti-piracy measure, but it goes partially unused, as to be able to see all possible dialogue, it would require the player to both have enabled internet connectivity in the in-game settings and triggered the anti-piracy check 100 times.
I have your IP address [name of the PC user goes here, and is ommited if unable to retrieve].
If internet connectivity is enabled, then the user's public IP address is displayed as dialogue (it is retrieved by requesting it from http://ifconfig.me/ip). Otherwise, this string is used as the next line of dialogue:
I'm going to leak it online!
It is then followed by...
...just kidding, that would be illegal. Scared you though, didn't I? Unlike you, I respect the law. Sometimes. Anyway, don't you have anything better to do?
...proceeded by it opening the Steam page for UNDERTALE, as previously documented.
True Ending Pirate[edit | edit source]
If you somehow manage to get the True Pacifist ending by bypassing the dogcheck room while the anti-piracy check is still active, you get this exclusive bit of dialogue instead of Flowey's typical ending monologue.
You're probably expecting me to monologue about what's next. How everyone is happy, how you have to power to take their freedom away, etc. But that's not why I'm here. No, I just need to talk to you. You know, Toby Fox put a lot of effort into this game. [rest of the sequence proceeds as usual]
Internet Features[edit | edit source]
The variable used for checking if internet access was enabled by the player is seemingly checked only three times by the game:
- To contact an OpenWeather instance, to provide a local weather forecast for a background element in Papyrus' date.
- To show a specific string of splash text in the pause screen.
- If internet is enabled, "SUCCESSFULLY CONNECTED TO THE UNDERNET!" is one of the possible strings to be shown as splash text. Otherwise, "THE WI-FI HERE SUCKS." is used in its place.
- To pretend doxxing the player's public IP address, as seen in the above section.