
From Misc Data Digs

Vine was a short-lived short-form video site, but a rather influential one at that. Rather than shutting it down and erasing history completely (unlike Geocities), they kept everything but in an archive format. Its spirit lives on in TikTok.

humans.txt[edit | edit source]

Contained in this file is the following list:

$$$$     $$$  $$$   $$$
~$$$    $$$~  $$$   $$$
 $$$    :$$$  $$$
 $$$.    $$$   $~   $$$    I$$  $$$$        7$$$$
  $$$     $$$$7  $$$$$$    $$$7$$$$$$     $$$$$$$$
  $$$$     .$$$$$$$ $$$    $$$$$  $$$$   $$$$   $$$
   $$$     $$$$     $$$    $$$$   $$$$   $$$   $$$
    $$$   $$$$      $$$   $$$$=   $$$$  $$$$$$$$7
     $$$.$$$.       $$$  ,$$$$    +$$$  $$$$$
      $$$$$         $$$$$$$$$$     $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$
        $             $$=            $$      $$$


  * Janessa Det (@jandet)
  * Ralph Holzmann (@rlph)
  * Thomas Rix (@rx)
  * Mike Kaplinskiy (@mkaplinskiy)
  * Dhritiman Sagar (@deman48) (@dman)
  * Kristian "kb" Bauer (@kristianbauer)
  * Anil Kadimisetty (@anilkadimisetty)
  * Peter Woodman (@clango)
  * Felix Fung (@ffx)
  * Ryan Gordon (@theryangordon)
  * Zack Davenport (@mrdavenport)
  * Julia Rudlin (@jrudlin)
  * Angelo Alduino (@duin0)
  * John Lim (@jhlim90)
  * Ryan Lee (@owlsquid)
  * Daniel LaCosse (@daniellacosse)
  * Meghan (Malaviya) Trikha (@megsmalav)
  * Luca Zuccarini (@luz)
  * Richard Plom (@RichardPlom)
  * Jason Toff (@jasontoff)
  * Sergey Grankin (@sgrankn)
  * Seth Weisfeld (@seth_weisfeld)
  * Patrick Cupka (@Voidious)
  * Sara Haider (@pandemona)