
From Misc Data Digs

If you haven't heard of YouTube, it's very likely you're either from a country that bans the world's biggest video sharing site or you're living outside of a planet in the Milky Way Galaxy named Earth.

Sub-Pages[edit | edit source]

InnerTube API Unused Data

Unused Graphics[edit | edit source]

Spritesheets[edit | edit source]

There are many unused spritesheets still up on YouTube's servers. However, most of them are duplicates of each other, with different layouts due to YouTube's spritesheet. These spritesheets were used during the "Hitchhiker" design, but are still up. The names are randomized by YouTube's naming system, "VFL", which is open-source[1].


The main spritesheet. Used for most elements on Hitchhiker. This sheet in particular taken from 2018.

Hitchhiker Spritesheet (2018).png



The spritesheet for comment like buttons, dislike buttons, pins, etc.

Comments Spritesheet (2018).png


Text Files[edit | edit source]

robots.txt[edit | edit source]

A small fictional story of sorts can be found here.

# robots.txt file for YouTube
# Created in the distant future (the year 2000) after
# the robotic uprising of the mid 90's which wiped out all humans.

ads.txt[edit | edit source]

This small notice can be found inside.

# YouTube inventory can only be purchased from AdWords and DoubleClick
# Bid Manager (DBM), and cannot be purchased programmatically through
# open exchanges. Therefore there are no authorized sellers or resellers
# listed in this file.
  1. [[1]]